A Vintage Crate   +  work

Things we dont want others to see

As I was reading around in blog land today- I went to my daily blogs and Kimba's at A Soft Place to Land stopped me in my tracks! See I too suffer from looking good on the outside to others but on the inside-umm not so much. I admit there are days I read all the great home decor blogs and turn around and look at all the "needs" to be done and the depression is overwhelming. I constantly compare my home to the other bloggy homes out there. Then today it hit me- we are ALL the same- (at least Im hoping we are) We are all striving to make our homes beautiful to the outside world but in the day in and day out-we are not a picture of perfection. This is so true of our spiritual lives too-we go to church, sing our praises, smile real big, but on the inside we are all still a "work in progress". I am so truly grateful that God loves me right where I am at, but loves me enough not to leave me there.

Here are the beautiful things YOU see.

and here is what you dont see... ... the REAL day to day Eck Life. Will you still love me? accept me? I sure hope so, but even if you don't- I serve a God who does!