I have to tell everyone who does anything with window treatments to go out and purchase the book Design Directory of Window Treatments by Jackie Von Tobel. This is truly the bible of drapery inspiration. This book sits on my desk and when I want to take a break from what I NEED to do, I open the book and savor the details page by page.
Jackie has a true gift for sketching and her attention to detail will impress anyone in the industry. Each page is eye candy and with the hundreds of variations any designer or decorator will find a springboard of inspiration for any window situation.
The treatment above is a pleated style drapery panel (back tucks) with an attached valance. The valance has both banding at the top and 2 types of trim. The bottom insert on the panel can be cut in the same manner as the panel or can be cut as a flounce. For those of you that are clothing makers, a flounce is made with a pattern piece much like the 50's poodle skirt. Yikes......Am I really that old??? There is also a trim between the bottom skirt and the panel.
Okay Ms. VonTobel, I need to be working right now but my mind keeps floating back to the treatments on page 322!!! I sure do like distractions.