One of my favorite websites is which provides an intimate view of the interiors of the United States of America's Presidents home throughout history.

At this website you can view the changes in styles such as the original window treatment designs of the oval office which appears to be tailored velvet cornice boards with an eagle applique over draperies to the contemporary white panels with inset braid of the 1960's.

Currently the oval office wears a more traditional gold, trimmed kingston-swag and panel design. This tour of design changes over 100 plus years provides window treatment designers the ability to see how different types of window treatments can affect the overall impression and mood of the room.
There are many rooms available for view on-line that only a few people get to visit such as the famous Lincoln Bedroom, the private bedroom of the President and more unusual rooms such as the bowling alley, billiards room and solariam. Enjoy this fascinating tour of the White House but be prepared, you may become lost in this unique peek into the USA's most interesting residence.