A Vintage Crate   +  health

My Very First Post…

I want to begin by saying a very warm THANK YOU to the many lovely bloggers out there. I wish I could convey to each and every one of you just how inspirational I have found the blogging community. I have a HUGE list of favorite blogs (which keeps growing by the day.) My faves include numerous homemaking blogs, crafting blogs, cooking blogs, decorating blogs, frugal-living blogs, mommy blogs, fashion blogs, etc. The blogs I find myself following the closest happen to be those in which the author simply shares her(his)everday life, which usually encompasses a mix of all these subjects.

Discovering and following the blogs of others has been a lifsaver for me. I really mean that. You see, for over a year now, I have been suffering from chronic pain due to degenerative disc disease. In May 2008, I underwent surgery to have 2 discs removed in my neck. It was a fairly intense operation in which my neurosurgeon replaced the damaged discs with cadaver (yes, cadaver!) bone, and fixed it all together with a small titanium plate and screws. Well, although the surgery helped my deteriorating spine, the constant pain in my neck, upper back, arms and hands remains.

During this dificult time in my life, I have interacted with many in the blogging community. I have received several emails thanking me for my comments. I have been given advice and encouragement when I expressed my desire to start my own blog. I have even won a couple of lovely handmade gifts through generous giveaways. I'd like to let the blogging community know that I am so very grateful. Many a night of pain and sadness was made much more bearable since I was able to visit your blogs. Even as many of you were asleep in your beds, you provided me with inspiration, laughter, camaraderie, and company.

My blog will most likely be a mishmash of all the things I find interesting, inspirational, or just plain fun. Don't worry...I don't intend to be a downer. I wish for this blog to be an escape from my chronic pain. I sure hope you'll find this blog a wonderful place to visit and that you'll check in with me from time to time.