Yey - I've just won my very first blog award! Nominated by the wonderful Blah Blah Becky who's blog I absolutely adore, which makes it even more special!

So the rules for the award are....
1 - Thank and link back to the person who nominated you
2 - Share seven things about yourself
3 - Award seven recently discovered bloggers
My seven things to share are perhaps slightly odd but here goes.....
1 - I'm more than a little obsessed with lamps - as referenced in my 'I love lamp' post. I would have away with ceiling lights completely if I had the space!

2 - I aspire to one day own a beautiful vintage shop filled entirely with handbags. I've started collecting and still have a few available from the last haul for any interested parties.....
3 - I'm officially no longer allowed to attend the weekly food shop with Mr.Man as I apparently infuriate him with my so called 'dilly-dallying'.... I just like to make sure I've assessed all my options before making an informed decision!!

4 - I think I may actually have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which sounds slightly made up, but opening the curtains to the recent sunny weather has really given me a new spring in my step.

5 - I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading. If I happen to have an afternoon to myself, I like nothing more than disappearing off to a quiet corner and getting really stuck into a shiny new novel. My most recent favourite reads are 'The Room' by Emma Donoghue and 'The Help' by Kathryn Stockett and if you haven't read them yet - I thoroughly recommend them.....incredible!

6 - When I've got the flat to myself and have my favourite music turned up, anything soul or motown or anything with great female vocals (Adele is my most recent love) I seem to find myself picturing a stage and thousands of adoring fans, I can even imagine backing singers and a band with me at the front..... a star!! (hahahahahaha)

7 - I've recently fallen in love with the idea of having a dog, which unfortunately, can very much not happen for two key reasons - I live on the second floor of a two bed flat and I work full-time in the city. This hasn't however stopped me coming to a final decision of what breed I would have....a Tibetan Terrier will one day be mine (I hope!)
And awards to pass on go to.....
A Million Dresses
Blooming Leopold Vintage
Brighton Style Memos
Ivy Black Chat
Kendi Everyday
Lemonade Kitty
The Vintage Huntress