Its been a crazy week here with getting the two oldest back in school and trying to find my "back to school" groove. I've also been crazy busy with some new clients and my posting may be a little more sporadic over the next few weeks. But I promise it will all be worth it once I am finished and have pics to share.This past week I was out shopping for a client and of course couldnt help but find some fun things I wanted. I had to keep telling myself to focus... .and walk away... .just walk away.. .Like this gorgeous wooden sunburst mirror. Its huge- over 60" wide. Im kinda loving those green glass floats on the console as well. Green has really been catching my eye lately.

Or this ornate craved wood mirror... oh my...

Then there's this one from a little shop in Laguna Beach that I found while we were on vacation (more from this beautiful shop soon). This mirror was massive! and it came with an $8,000 price tag- and I can't imagine what shipping would cost!

Speaking of wood- saw these fun wooden wingbacks at Restoration Hardware the other day- how cool is that?

And this drum shade chandelier is seriously wanting to come home with me- I have seen it three different times in three different showrooms- its a sign- It wants me- I know it does!

Along with this mirrored coffee table (it has storage!!)

Beautiful gray sofa with gold pillows:

So after all that wonderful eye candy- the only new thing I have purchased for myself is this red bubble necklace- and Im not a red fan I have to admit- but Im kinda digging this necklace.

Well hope you all have a wonderful 3 day weekend- I know we are so ready for it! My youngest turns 4 next week so we will be celebrating his birthday with family and I plan on eating lots of cupcakes.Cheers!!