^^ My baby sister, absolutely beautiful.
Yesterday my family celebrated Blake and my dad's birthday with a beautiful, fun outdoor dinner. We had the table all set up on their patio with the view of their incredible backyard. My mom has done such a great job making her yard picture perfect. In fact, they have had multiple people talk about getting married there! How fun would that be?! My parents are on an acre and a half so its not like its a little space, and my mom has every bit of it landscaped with probably 60 trees, flowers, grass, benches; it's like a little private oasis! Blake is SO handsome. I would just like to say that he truly makes me so happy every day. Our time together means the most to me, and I try to soak up every second of it. I seriously can't help but think he is the best man in the world. Tomorrow we are going SKYDIVING!!! I can't even talk about it with out getting sick to my stomach nervous and my hands get all sweaty!! But I love that type of adrenaline thing, so I know I will love it once I'm out of the plane (I hope) and I KNOW I will love it once my feet are safely back on the ground. So.. I am trying to focus on how ecstatic I am about the actual skydiving part of it and trying not to think about the plane ride up and how anxious I will be and especially not part where I will have to phsyc myself up to jump!!! EEEE... Wish me luck! I hope everyone is having a great weekend! xoxox Angela