Here is the dresser I gave a sneak peek of in my girls room makeover.Here's what it looked like before:
I painted the dresser with "swiss coffee", and the knobs a flat black.
I loved the top knobs, but when I went to put the longer, regular pulls back on, they just didn't look right.
Inspired by A Simply Klassic Home I used some fabric left over from a thrifted sheet to add my own pulls.
I like the combination of the vintage black knobs with the modern fabric pulls.
The pink flowers in the fabric coordinate with the pink headboard and other accents in the room. Go here to see the entire room.
Now I just need to figure out how to add some feet to the bottom so it doesn't sit so flat on the carpet, or maybe some vintage castors--what do you think?
I distressed it quite a bit so that all the details would pop.
It's the perfect size to hold all my daughter's clothes and stuff.
I love what a little paint and primping can do, don't you?keep primping,