I have seen these amazing grain sack pillows in snazy boutiques and loved them. Of course they come with a hefty price tag-and you know me-hefty price tags send me to thinking how I can DIY-it. I used this awesome nubby-texture-ish (yes that is a word) fabric that I got at a garage sale for $1, and I also had some muslin-like fabric from Hobby Lobby.

Throw in some fun stencils, black paint, hot glue gun and you get this... .. faux French, Oui? (and if you look closely I smeared some black on one of them-oh well, the mishaps of DIY)

and while I had my glue gun out- I whipped up this magnetic picture frame-thingy for my fridge-

(of which I totally copied from a dear friend) for complete instructions you will have to visit her here.