Here's a sneak peak of the new boy's room, and the star of the room, an industrial barn light found at the thrift store for $6.
So cool, hugh? I was so excited to find this beauty but it sat in my garage for months until I decided it would be perfect in the boys' room. Not everyone is lucky enough to find a beauty like this at the thrift store, but you can win your very own here . Barn Light Electric has so many cool options. I love this one , this one , and this one . Here's how you can win for yourself. 1. Look around online at Barn Light Electric and pick lights you’d love to own. 2. Feature your lighting picks on your personal blog, and link to the lights if you can! 3. Copy/Paste these rules at the bottom of your blog article. 4. Once your personal article is up, you must email your blog link to be qualified to win. The contest ends October 12th, 2011. keep primping and good luck!P.S. Be back tomorrow for the full boy's room reveal!