Happy Wednesday! It's time to link up all your fabulously {primp}ed projects, including anything you have made, or made to look better, or anything you have found to {primp} your space. Here are my favorites from last week's party: Restoration House Interiors primped this gorgeous dresser, with the perfect knobs and just the right amount of distressing.
It's Simple... but it Matters showed off her newly refinished coffee table. Holy Craft made these adorable baby onesies, one for each month of baby's first year! Confessions of a DIY-Aholic painted and heavily, but beautifully, distressed this blue beauty. It's Just Me completely spookified this buffet and her entire home! Thanks for all your inspiration every week! Now it's time to be inspired again: Please become a follower if you are not already, and grab my button to post somewhere on your blog so others can join in on the fun!P.S. Do you have a shop? Would you like some pre-Christmas exposure? I would love to have you as a sponsor or host a giveaway for you. Email me at maraven@sfcn.org for more info.