Our home has a very open floor plan-which is great for the feeling of open space, but is not so great because there are no definite "areas" .i.e.-my "foyer". I have this weird little art niche that I am forever trying to figure out what to do with it. I have had a mirror and a small bench there for years. Recently I found this picture that got me inspired to change things up. Im not completely sure the source of this photo (possibly Country Living or maybe Martha?)
I removed my mirror- grabbed a bunch of white plates (even spray painted some). I printed of some fun silhouettes and did a little old-school decoupage. But it still didnt have that "wow" factor.
So I emailed my FAVE decor blogger Kate at Centsational Girl She doesnt know me from Adam, but she was nice enough to email me back with a great idea!! Put a table there and add a lamp! *hits hand to forehead* Why didnt I think of that!! So simple! AND I even had a table that was perfect for that spot. So after a little "tweeking" and a quick trip to Tarjay for a $7 lamp (yes- $7!!) Here is my entry. The lamp truly warms up the space.