Happy Wednesday! It's time to link up all your fabulously primped projects, including anything you have made, or made to look better, or anything you have found to {primp} your space. Here are my favorites from last week's party:
551 East Furniture Design primped this fabulous dresser with a design of the old flag of England.Avery and Anderson made this super cool lace doily monogram.
Lovely, etc. showed off a simple, yet beautiful, magnetic tray.
and last but not least,
Twigg Studios made this really cool 3D book page deer head. Thanks for all your inspiration every week! Now it's time to be inspired again: Please become a follower if you are not already, and grab my button to post somewhere on your blog so others can join in on the fun! One more thing before we start the party. The lucky winner of this beautiful blue necklace is: aimee who said... i love the knecklace, i hope i win xxx aimee, email your address to maraven{at}sfcn{dot}org so I can get this out to you!