It's looking a little more like Christmas around here. I updated my mantel with a favorite framed chalkboard, some mercury glass, and some bleached bottle brush trees.
We traded in our boy elf on the shelf for Chrissy, who watches and reports to Santa each night.
I found a package of 21 green bottle brush trees at Michael's, threw some in the sink with a bleach and water mixture, and had these white ones in just a couple of minutes.
Last year I completely re-did the ornaments for my tree. This year I only made one, using my favorite item of the season--bottle brush trees.
To get a glimpse of our tree, check out last year's post. This year, our tree looks a little pathetic. It's been knocked over 3 times by our 'sweet' kittens who like to climb up the trunk. Several ornaments were broken and my sheet music and bookpage ornaments look a little bent up.
The tree itself, looks like its seen better days. Next year, I think we're buying a real life one, maybe we'll even cut down our own.
In the piano room, I added a real life wreath and more bottle brush trees, some were slightly bleached for just seconds to get a variety of green coloring.
I made this simple bunting with ribbon on hand, and inspired by this.
Our new advent cupboard was updated with some paint and a sharpie, and filled with favorite candy. It's much simple than last year's.
More bottle brush trees, and various sized letters that sing "fa la la".
I added a simple Christmas vignette in the girls' room.
Yep, you guessed it, pink bottle brush trees, and teeny tiny deer.
Another simple Christmas vignette, using an old metal ornament, sits in a cakestand.
Instead of the usual wreath on the front door, I added this wooden tree shape found at the thrift store.
It was already backed with chicken coop wire, perfect for hanging my vintage ornament collection.
Thanks for letting me take you on a tour of Christmas around here. I think we are officially in the mood and ready for it! keep primping,
linking to these fab parties:
Jennifer Rizzo, Tatertots and Jello, Funky Junk, Inspired Room, Sassy Sites