We've all seen them, we all love them (well maybe not everyone) but they are beautiful! Horizontal striped drapery make a statement to any room. My Pinterest board is loaded with inspirational photos of these beauties.

Source: hgtv.com via Amanda on Pinterest

Source: bhg.com via Amanda on Pinterest

Source: conspicuousstyle.com via Amanda on Pinterest

Source: knightmovesblog.blogspot.com via Amanda on Pinterest
But when it came time to search for a pair of these I always came up empty handed. Yes I could get them custom made-but for a price. I was quoted prices ranging from $170 a panel (which was not too bad considering) all the way up to $400 a panel! So whats a girl to do when she's on a budget? Enter West Elm... ... ... I received their Spring catalog and low and behold what did my little eyes spy:
A horizontal stripe shower curtain!

Now I needed drapery panels not a shower curtain- but the lightbulb went off in my head (while I was sitting in the car line waiting to pick up my daughter) and I said why not cut one up and add to it!!!! So I quickly grabbed my pen-did a few calculations and decided I would only need 3 shower curtains- one for each panel and one to cut up and add length. AND they were on sale!! BONUS!!!
They arrived last week:
I only needed two stripes extra for each panel- so I decided to cut from both the top and the bottom of the extra curtain- that way I didnt have to hem anything-cuz Im lazy like that--and I cant hem a straight line to save my soul.
I put right sides together and sewed em up! Now I am not a crazy seamstress- I do know a little about sewing, but this project is really a no brainer- If I can do it-you can too!
And here they are!

Not too shabby for $90! I even have left over fabric to make a pillow if I wanted. The only down side of this is there are only two colors of this curtain- the grey & white and a citron & white. Linking to: