I opened my email today to find Schumachers latest collaboration with Mary McDonald. All I can say is: STUNNING!! My heart got all pitter-patter crazy as I scrolled through her collection. And you better bet I will be high tailing it over to the Design Center ASAP to pull some samples. Mary is known for her dressmaker details and this collection has exactly that. Trims, appliqués, Chinoiserie Panels, all there to inspire and create a space of finely detailed perfection.

I can not tell you how excited I am to get my hands on these fabrics. I may or may not pet them, stroke them, and talk sweet nothings to them. :-)Oh and p.s. today is my Birthday! Im old, out of shape and I need my roots colored- but I will still celebrate like crazy this weekend. Lunch with my sisters this afternoon, date night with my husband tonight, and brunch with all my family on Sunday. Oh and you better bet there will be lots of Starbucks and shopping in between!Cheers!p.s.- The Mary McDonald collection is available through Amanda Carol Interiors. Contact me for pricing and stock status.