I'm participating in this fabulous link party
by Jennifer Rizzo, where you can show the evolution of your style in a particular room in your home. Here is what my bedroom looks like now .

Here's what it looked like before, lots of black. This was even taken after I had sold my 2 black nightstands. Imagine, a big black bed, black nightstands, and a big black armoire--very dark.
I painted my black bed, french gray, and swapped out the black nightstands for cream ones.

This picture kind of bugs me because the one mirror looks so much higher, but I promise, they are even. You can see the master bathroom reflected in the one on the right.
I found these 2 mirors at different times from a thrift store, then spray painted them both cream. Just a little paint, and a little time, helped to lighten and brighten the whole room. I like it so much better now. Go hereto see all the fun transformations!