I really wasn't feeling like decorating for Valentine's Day this year,

but at almost the last minute I pulled out a few old things.

I'm in love with this rock my daughter found on the way home from school one day(this stays out year round.)

paper hearts hung on twigs,

cupcake liner pom poms I made last year,

and a cute box that looks like an old letter (found at the thrift store) with vintage skeleton keys.

Here's how the rest of my house looks--lots of red and white with my favorite, grain sack stripes.

I'm lovin' my new handmade pillows,

and my .59 cent towells from Ikea.

I even gave my canning jars their own stripes, using plain and red twine.

Hope you all have a Happy Heart Day!Thanks for all the love on my blog and all your nice comments, I heart you!