This is a story about an ugly vase- a really ugly vase.

This vase was once purchased 9 years ago and the purchaser of this vase thought it was a lovely vase (what was I thinking). Well this purchaser has since come into a new light. The light & knowledge of spray painting. This purchaser use to toss unwanted, ugly, or wrong colored items- but not anymore. I have been set free- free from the thinking of "this does not go" or "this does not work". So back to the said vase- this vase has been given a new life and a new home- this vase that once sat out on a dusty shelf in the dark, damp garage-is now proudly displayed upon the 100 year old antique China Hutch. And if one day this said vase starts to look ugly or unlovely to the purchaser again- he will carefully be bathed in a new coat of color.