I am finally getting the chance to sit down and share with you a little bit of my experience from the Design Bloggers Conference in LA. To sum it up in one word--- AHH-Freaking-mazing!! It was well worth the price of admission and then some. And to all my Atlanta friends- it has been announced that next year the DBC will be in ATL! and Yes I've signed up!!Unfortunately I left my camera at home so I had to rely on my phone for photos and my dear friend Jen from At Home in The Northwest shared some of her photos with me.Being able to be surrounded by like minded people with a passion for design was truly a magical moment for me.

me, Cheryl, Shelly, Jen, Lori
Im totally cracking up at our eyes! We all had a very long day and that was also the day we had a wine and Sake tasting during one of our sessions. Those design bloggers know how to party!There was an awesome line up of speakers including Windsor Smith (whom I didnt get a photo of). One of the great take aways from Windsor was that:"Everyone deserves to have beautifully designed rooms". I couldnt agree more!
Susanna Salk, (another photo I forgot to take). Spoke on being true to yourself and your blog, never underestimating the power of your voice and the power of your point of view.Tobi Fairley- who is a complete gem! and so is her staff.

Charlotte Moss A charming & quite humorous gal. My take aways from Charlotte on blogging:Be InformedBe SelectiveBe KindBe AccurateBe EthicalBe OriginalHave a point of view

We also heard from Newell Turner (Editor in Chief of House Beautiful, Elle Decor & Veranda Magazine). Newell spoke on the great collaboration between design bloggers and the magazine world. And if there was to have been a "Word of the Day" it was Collaboration . Collaboration between bloggers, designers, magazine editors, and vendors. And the benefit of sharing and encouraging one another. In this great big world of design there is room enough for all of us!

Ok and last but not least --the two BY FAR best moments of the conference:Getting to hear this gracious & lovely woman speak. Barbara Barry is a story teller. Barbara Barry paints beautiful pictures with her words and pulls you into a place of wonder and excitement. She was signing her latest book: Around Beauty. This was not your typical book signing, where you give them your name, they sign your book, smile for a photo & your done- no,no, no- Barbara had you pull up a chair- sit and have a chat. She did this for all of us! There had to have been well over 150 women lined up to meet her. I highly encourage you to BUY this book. Its not just a lovely coffee table accessory but is filled with heart and soul. I shared with Barbara how much I resonated with her presentation and she smiled so graciously and then proceeded to write "Kindred Spirits" in her book for me. *sigh* what a moment!!

And then there was meeting the sweet & crazily adorable and "can I keep him?"- Mr. Ross Cassidy from Million Dollar Decorators. And yes I got all tongue tied when he walked up and commented on how much he liked my outfit. And sadly I did not get a photo with Jeffrey Alan Marks only because there was like 50 million other ladies lined up for a look at him photo with him. And yes he is just as pretty in person as he is on camera!

Speaking of outfits- I posted my daily outfits on Instagram for all you crazy fashion-feins out there: