"Marley and Me" is a cute, yet sad film. I found myself being a boy again, remembering what it was like to grow up with my family dog, Toby. He was quite a joy to have around. Toby got sick when I was 14 and had to be put down. I associated well with the oldest of the kids in this film as he was of similar age. . Actually, we've been thinking about getting a dog over the past few years. We've never really settled on what type of dog, but always knew we wanted one. This movie moved me to want more than I have before to go out and just do it... .get a dog! Although there are tragic moments in this movie (not gonna sugar coat it), it was worth every second. Moral of the story: the good times outweigh the bad, and in the end it is so much more rewarding to have a pet in your life than to never experience one at all! . I thought that Jennifer and Owen were a cute couple in the movie. The story takes you through their entire married life from the wedding to the family of 3 kids, career struggles, moving, new houses, etc.. The script and storyline take the audience through a nice progression. Anyone, regardless of their stage of life, will be able to associate with the story in this film! . This movie has been out for a while, so consider it a Netflix Special! Go rent it today and cry your eyes out... because if you are any sort of animal lover... you will cry! . RATING: B+ . http://marleyandmemovie.com/