I'm in love with my new sofas.

They are the ektorp style from Ikea, which were just the right price. I even got extra slipcovers, because with 4 kids (and too many cats) I couldn't beat the $30 price tag.

Of course when you get a new sofa, new pillows usually follow. I found some cute blue toile ones (also at Ikea), and made some out of grain sacks purchased from etsy.

I'm loving the lightness they bring to the whole space.

You can catch a glimpse of my mirror gallery wall that I've been slowly adding to. My newest favorite thrift store find is the gold ornate one in the bottom right corner.

If you're wondering about white slipcovered couches too, or why I'd be crazy enough to buy them, check out this review here.Also, I'm starting to enjoy the new PicMonkey --it has some really cool, fun features--check it out.
keep primping,