My dear friend from WeareTHATFamily and I headed out again this Saturday for some garage sale therapy. It is getting to the point were we can't sleep the night before due to the excitement of what we might find. And this Saturday did not disappoint. I found this nice wrought iron & wood wall hanger for $1.

Two of the hooks are broken-but I think I can replace it- or just leave it as is-once the wood is painted black I think it will look great.I got these great picture frames for $1 and will use them as is (with a coat of spray paint of course) or I will make chalk boards out of them. The oval scroll mirror was $3 (which I asked for $2 but they said no-it doesnt hurt to ask!).

And my FAVORITE find of the day was this mirror-for $15! Its HUGE and HEAVY- I plan on painting it black and hanging it above a small black table I have on the landing of my stairs (befores and afters will be posted, of course!).

For more great garage sales finds- head on over to Southern Hospitality.