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Organizing, anyone?

A couple of weeks ago, I heard about a great blogging idea. Sarah at Thrifty Decor Chick was hosting an Organizing Party. I really wanted to participate, but, honestly, who am I to give advice on decluttering and organizing?

(Sheesh, our Christmas trees is still standing more than a month after Christmas...Seriously...now, why would I make that up?)

So, although, I have a long way to go toward having a neat and organized home, I do believe I have a couple of ideas worthy of sharing.

This is how we solved the problem of having to look for hats and gloves each time we're leaving the house. We simply attached some eyehooks on the inside of our coat closet door and strung a clothesline vertically. Now everyone can hang his or her hat and gloves using clothespins. (Or more realistically, Mommy can put them there so that the boys can quickly find them before they're late for the school bus.)

Next, is a clever way that I have 'hidden' storage of a not so pretty necessity in our powder room. (...at least they are a necessity in our home)

What do you think is stored inside that lovely wooden box? Tushie wipes! - they're not just for babies anymore, folks. Try them, and you'll never go back to dry.

Even though I'm probably too late to join in Sara's Organizing Party, I feel I can cross off my 'random act of kindness' for today.

You're welcome.