This is a bit of a throwback to earlier this summer when we took our two little fur babies up to the lake! When we got the pontoon boat earlier this year one of my first thoughts was how fun would that be to take our pups with us to the lake.. "they would love it" I thought! So I jumped on Amazon and ordered these doggie life jackets asap, which I thought we literally the cutest things ever! So we loaded them up in the truck and drove up to the lake. We got them safe in their jackets and off we went in the boat. We weren't sure how the would do actually swimming, so before going all in so we went and docked by a little beach where they could run around and play in the little waves. They LOVED this part, they were chasing each other and jumping all around. And it was so cute, they would only run about a hundred feet from us before coming sprinting back to our feet. It was adorable! They were doing so well and having so much fun, we decided to take them to actually swim with us. I guess in my head I pictured them swimming around in their darling life jackets, playing with us, licking us, happy as could be. Let me tell you, that was not the case haha! We got to the middle of the lake and Blake put them both in the water and jumped in with them. They absolutely hated it, they hated it so much that they decided Bake must be there to save them and be like a safety island and they were scratching him, trying to climb on him, scratching the boat. It was a disaster. Blake finally got them to the ladder and I pulled them out, but there were wanting nothing to do with swimming. So.. lesson learned. Our babies hate swimming with a passion. I felt so bad, I thought all dogs loved swimming!! And obviously they were safe and had safety jackets on and Blake was with them but it was so sad to see them so sad! So we dried them off and cuddled them and gave them lots of kisses and they were perfectly happy to curl up and cuddle the rest of the night! Going through summer pictures this morning and I am not ready to let it end! This summer has been our best one yet! Blake is out of town on a work trip this weekend and I am missing him like crazy! I can't wait to have him back and cozy with me!! I hope everyone is having a great week! xo Angela