Robyn's new album will be out very soon! It's a great collection of light pop vocals and electronic blips. Every song is surprisingly catchy and fun to listen to... except for: "Don't F***ing Tell Me What To Do," which tends to get on my nerves a bit.
My favorite track by far (if it makes the final cut for the album) is "Dancing on My Own." It's a melodic pop, radio friendly, energy boosting song! I love songs that are lyrically easy to pick up quickly, allowing you to be able to blast it in your car and sing along at the top of your lungs... Just kidding, I don't really do that... just kidding, sometimes I do!
I also love Robyn's track: "Cry When You Get Older." The haunting line sung over and over in this song is: "Love Hurts When You Do It Right." The song is chalk full of ironic phrases. It leaves you wondering what is Robyn better at: writing lyrics or making music. It is a true toss up. She is all around talented and fun to have playing on your favorite mp3 player!
Make sure to catch this album in a few weeks when it is released. Keep in mind this is Part 1 of three to come... Whoot Whoot!
Dancing On My Own
Cry When You Get Older