Melissa over at The Inspired Room is hosting a Project Procastinators Party. Since I just got done with a HUGE kitchen make-over, Im not feeling too pressured to tackle another project- but yet I get that itch, that urge, that deisre to tackle something else. I have to admit- I am a GREAT starter, POOR (very poor) finisher. That great kitchen makeover- umm yea- I still have one more coat to paint on 4 doors and 3 doors to distress. ah-hem . so the Project Procastinators speaks to me- very deeply to me. Here is my next "urge" to tackle.

My fireplace mantle- it is currently the same color wood as the kitchen "was" and because both of these room open up to one another- I feel the "urge" to make them flow a little better. I plan to sand this down and stain it with a rich, dark, espresso color. *fingers crossed* I hope to have this done for the Project Procastinators Party on May 14th.