A Vintage Crate   +  TIME

Beach Day

beach day, angela kezar beach day, angela kezarbeach day, angela kezar angela kezar, beach day beach day, angela kezarbeach day, angela kezar beach day, angela kezarbeach day, angela kezar beach day, angela kezarThis week has been a busy one! Summer is my favorite time of year, especially this one, we have so much going on that I'm looking forward to. But as busy as we have been, it was a perfect, calm day to relax in the sunshine. We were able to get away and spend an afternoon on the beach at the lake with three of my sisters-in-law. I love that I am so close with these girls, they are such beautiful, thoughtful, kind young women. It's so easy to let everything distract us in our day to day life from times like these. I had such a great reminder that these are the days we will remember, the ones we will look back on. And that days with people we love are the most precious and most important. Look at these beauties! I am so blessed to call them friends and sisters! xo Angela